If you are a student, you can get a GitKraken Pro license by signing up for the GitHub Student Developer Pack

Can take some time

Once you register for the GitHub Student Developer Pack, you will have to provide a proof that you are a student and the confirmation can take up to a few days. In my experience it’s been faster than 2 days, but you might want to take that into account…

- Guillaume

  1. Go to https://github.com/
  2. Log in to your account (or create one)
  3. Open your account Settings
    • Click on the top-right icon
    • Click on Settings
  4. Go to Emails
  5. Add your student’s email with the add email address field and add button
  6. You might want to set your student’s email as the primary email address for your account (I am not sure about this, I never tested it…)

Register to the GitHub Student Developer Pack

  1. Go to https://education.github.com/pack
  2. Click the Sign up for Student Developer Pack button
  3. Select Get student benefits
  4. Log in to your GitHub account
  5. Select Student
  6. Select the correct school in the What is the name of your school? field
  7. Answer the How do you plan to use GitHub? field
  8. Provide a proof as required
  9. Complete the registration